
Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

this day

ahlis , Working with other people will be very interesting and stimulating for you today -- you'll be exposed to more than one new point of view regarding a topic you thought was old-hat. Just when you thought you had everything all figured out -- bam! There goes that assumption. Radical changes will abound for you, soon. This is a time of philosophical growth. You might even find yourself exploring little-known philosophies and religions just to see what all the fuss is about.

1 komentar:

steelheart mengatakan...

Ahlis, kenapa blognya pindah alamat???

eh lis, YM lo kok blom aktif? add YM gw dong lis.

Oiya, gimana kabar mypulau? gw ga dapet hadiah lis ...hik.hik.